International order
To order internationaly, ask us for shipping cost before you order.
E-Mail to :
Please let me know what you would like to purchase.
- * Item / item number
- * Color
- * Size
- * Quantity
- - and also we need your
- * Name
- * Street address
- * City
- * Zip code
- * Country
- * Phone number
- * E-Mail address
All informations are required.
You can expect the shipping cost in advance.

JAPAN POST OFFICE Web page (Rate schedule EMS:All Zones)
(For example, One T-Shirt weigh about 400 to 500 grams include a package.)

Payment method
We only available paypal to receive your payment.
And please accept transaction fee for 5% of your purchasing.
All payment must be received in Japanese yen.
Payment includes an insurance and it will insures up to JPY20,000.
Return policy
All claims must be made within 7days from receipt of goods or 10days from date of statement if goods not received and all other information and claims.
E-Mail to Toshinao Yasue :